Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1: Joy

While I could go on and on about what brings me Joy, the very first thing that came to mind are my beautiful niece and handsome nephews. I have been so blessed to have 3 healthy, fun, loving children in my life that I am called Aunt by.

Maddie is my 10 year old niece. She is from Adam's side of the family so I 'married in' to her, but she's called me Aunt Suzy from the second time I met her (maybe even the first when she asked me if I was going to marry her Uncle Adam and if she could wear a pink dress in the wedding) She is a bundle of energy and full of life. She truly is a beautiful young lady and is growing up way too fast!

Noah is my 2 year old nephew. He will be 3 in January! He has such a fun and loving personality, plus the most adorable sense of humor! Hearing "Aunt Suzy" in his little voice, just melts my heart.

Elijah is my youngest nephew, he is 4 months old. He is such a good cuddler, he most certainly has already stolen my heart. I look forward to watching him grow up and develop his own little personality like Noah has.

I love you all very very much, and will always be there for you as a friend, and as a loving (and spoiling) Aunt.

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