Sunday, December 29, 2013

Catching up: Days 23-29

So I fell behind, and I don't have pictures of everything, but I do have mental images of them if that counts?

Day 23: Boxes
I broke down all of the and boxes and got them ready for recycling... there were quite a few!

Day 24: Jammies
 This one... I think of this video

Day 25: Morning
 Adam and I got to spend Christmas morning in our house. We had coffee, opened gifts, watched Adams gift of the Man of Steel Blu Ray and took a nap! An amazing Christmas morning for us!

Day 26: Stacked
 I packed up our gifts for my parents and our nephews.... they were quite stacked... and packed up in 3 bags... I'm a spoiler - of Monkey clothes/hats/jammies... my brother says I may have a problem.... is there a "monkey junkie anonymous"?

Day 27: Thank you
 I don't know how you photograph 'thank you' - But I have quite a few things I am thankful for.
My Mother-in-law and Father-in-law spent a week with us as I recovered from my gallbladder removal surgery the week before Christmas. It was a huge help having them around. Adam could focus on work w/o worrying about me getting into things I shouldn't, and they helped me around the house so I didn't have to get into things!:O)
Adam's Sister's family drove the 3 hours up to join his parents and us for an early Christmas weekend! We had some great quality time and an amazing dinner at the Allen Street Grill!

Day 28: In My Cup
This is what I've been drinking this Post-Christmas season. :o)
Redds Strawberry Ale
Day 29:  Outside
This is the outside of our house! Our beautiful wreath from the Kwanis Club and my modest Christmas lights for this year. Maybe next year I'll expand! 

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