Sunday, March 10, 2013

Prepping for the move!

We are full on in packing mode! It has been a huge stress lately for me to have as much packed as possible, while still being able to live here for another 12 days. We have at least 13 of our fabulous friends and family coming to help us move, so I want to be ready to go and utilize them, not waste their time.

Our dining room got transitioned into a stacking zone. This is what it looks like:

(Sorry for the glare, since it's 61 degrees outside so I have the back door open)

My dear friend Christine came over yesterday and helped me pack for 4 hours (with her 6 month old daughter in a carrier on her back!). I cannot tell you how much relief I feel today after having accomplished so  much yesterday! She did very well guiding me to the next task when I would get overwhelmed at the big picture!

I also got an awesome care package/moving/housewarming gift on Friday from Martha! She gave us address labels with our new address on them, and a bag full of nuts, cookies, muffins, sweets and tea k-cups! Perfect motivation to fuel the packing! 

Today, I drove to Mill Hall and had lunch with Adam. The poor guy has worked the past 6 days straight and will work the next 3 to prepare for his store inventory on Wednesday. He is such a trooper and I am so proud of him for dealing with everything with work and the house going on at the same time!

This afternoon, I made 3.5 lbs of BBQ and have Spinach-Tomato Vegetable soup in the crock pot. These will get chilled and frozen so they can be easily tossed in a crockpot to feed our fabulous helpers on moving day! I doubled the soup and it completely filled my new big crockpot!

We still don't have a set closing date. We are hearing either Friday, March 15th, or Monday, March 18th. I really hope we stay in this house forever - I never want to have to deal with applying for another mortgage, EVER!

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