Tuesday, March 19, 2013


We did it! We survived building our home! We closed at 2:30 pm in the midst of a snow storm, but we did it. We are homeowners!

 The feeling of the day was so... surreal. Adam and I both had to work, so we met at the law office that was hosting the closing, and then he trekked back to work (in 3 inches of snow), while I went to the house to meet our fabulous contractor who is painting our house. (Nothing like walking into your new home with a man who is not your husband!)

I spent the evening putzing around the house with a few things. Taking measurements for additional shelving, towel bars, better drain covers etc. Adam met me after work and we finalized exactly what rooms/halls were getting painted, talked about where furniture / guinea pig houses will go, and giggled about the fact that we have a house!

Friday we have the cable company coming in, the fridge delivery and the furniture delivery.

We will formally move in on Saturday. We have 17 fabulous friends and family that are coming (from as far as 3 hours away) to help us move into our home. I'm really not sure how we got this lucky, but I do not take it for granted. I appreciate every one of you giving up your time to help us!

 I am very ready to be in our home with out the stress of having to MOVE! That is one aspect I am a little anxious about. But once we are in and settling in, it will all be worth it - right?

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