Tuesday, March 26, 2013

We are moved in!

We are moved into our new home, and it is fabulous! While Saturday was such an overwhelming day for me with all that was going on - I did not take for-granted the amazing friends and family that we have that helped us.

My Father-In-Law, Bob, came up Friday morning and stayed with us through out the weekend. He hung blinds, shower curtains, offered advice and was very generous with his housewarming gift. (An additional piece to our modular couch!)

My Aunt Mary Ann - who cleaned our old apartment as we moved out so that we could be completely done, then stayed with me until our bed and our guest bed were made and I felt sane enough to handle the few boxes that were left.

My Uncle Ron - the laughs were exactly what I needed along with your muscles to help the move along!

The muscle team, Jess, Paul, Justin, Rick, my brother Bob, Anurag, Shefali, Molly, Gordon and my Dad. You made things go so quickly by being here to help - I cannot thank you enough!

My Kitchen Team - Christine (with Miranda) and Becky (with Noah) - You guys did great unpacking my massive amount of kitchen items! It was such a huge help to not have to tackle that task at the end of the exhausting day. To be able to take a drink from a real cup that I knew which cabinet it was in, was priceless!

** Addition: A huge thank you to Becky for bringing us breakfast! The bagels and fruit were the perfect fuel to keep moving. A thank you to Aunt Evie and Uncle Jeff for the HUGE tray of veggies and addicting brownies! And Finally, Thanks to Christine for bringing the buns for the BBQ and the chips! It all made the day so much easier to not have to worry about food! **

We are slowly putting things together - but here are a few pictures of the move and us setting up.

Gabbie and Cricket are settling in (Lilah and Squirrel are too!)

Noah made sure Cricket ate her cucumber treat

Our new modular couch!

Adam organizing under the sink in the Master Bathroom

The first picture went up Sunday evening!

and then more pictures went up....

and curtains in the master!

Finally! The coat/key hooks are up!
Again - I cannot thank our helpers enough - you all made this day possible and we are very thankful that you gave up your time and energy to help us out!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


We did it! We survived building our home! We closed at 2:30 pm in the midst of a snow storm, but we did it. We are homeowners!

 The feeling of the day was so... surreal. Adam and I both had to work, so we met at the law office that was hosting the closing, and then he trekked back to work (in 3 inches of snow), while I went to the house to meet our fabulous contractor who is painting our house. (Nothing like walking into your new home with a man who is not your husband!)

I spent the evening putzing around the house with a few things. Taking measurements for additional shelving, towel bars, better drain covers etc. Adam met me after work and we finalized exactly what rooms/halls were getting painted, talked about where furniture / guinea pig houses will go, and giggled about the fact that we have a house!

Friday we have the cable company coming in, the fridge delivery and the furniture delivery.

We will formally move in on Saturday. We have 17 fabulous friends and family that are coming (from as far as 3 hours away) to help us move into our home. I'm really not sure how we got this lucky, but I do not take it for granted. I appreciate every one of you giving up your time to help us!

 I am very ready to be in our home with out the stress of having to MOVE! That is one aspect I am a little anxious about. But once we are in and settling in, it will all be worth it - right?

Saturday, March 16, 2013


We FINALLY have a closing date!  After 2 weeks of issue after issue, we have a set closing date!

Adam and I will close on the house we built on Monday, March 18th. We are VERY excited and even more ready to move! We finished packing up the kitchen today (even though we'll be here all week yet!) and have a good game plan for everything that remains yet.

Send extra prayers/thoughts our way that the closing actually happens on Monday and our patience maintains through the week and the move!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Prepping for the move!

We are full on in packing mode! It has been a huge stress lately for me to have as much packed as possible, while still being able to live here for another 12 days. We have at least 13 of our fabulous friends and family coming to help us move, so I want to be ready to go and utilize them, not waste their time.

Our dining room got transitioned into a stacking zone. This is what it looks like:

(Sorry for the glare, since it's 61 degrees outside so I have the back door open)

My dear friend Christine came over yesterday and helped me pack for 4 hours (with her 6 month old daughter in a carrier on her back!). I cannot tell you how much relief I feel today after having accomplished so  much yesterday! She did very well guiding me to the next task when I would get overwhelmed at the big picture!

I also got an awesome care package/moving/housewarming gift on Friday from Martha! She gave us address labels with our new address on them, and a bag full of nuts, cookies, muffins, sweets and tea k-cups! Perfect motivation to fuel the packing! 

Today, I drove to Mill Hall and had lunch with Adam. The poor guy has worked the past 6 days straight and will work the next 3 to prepare for his store inventory on Wednesday. He is such a trooper and I am so proud of him for dealing with everything with work and the house going on at the same time!

This afternoon, I made 3.5 lbs of BBQ and have Spinach-Tomato Vegetable soup in the crock pot. These will get chilled and frozen so they can be easily tossed in a crockpot to feed our fabulous helpers on moving day! I doubled the soup and it completely filled my new big crockpot!

We still don't have a set closing date. We are hearing either Friday, March 15th, or Monday, March 18th. I really hope we stay in this house forever - I never want to have to deal with applying for another mortgage, EVER!