Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hunting the Good

Recently I had a fabulous friend share a website with me called Super Better. It's a little overwhelming to get started but the goal seems to be, to really put yourself in a better place, mentally, emotionally and physically.  It's your own personal motivator for whatever it is you need motivated with. You set goals and select the things you want to work on and it helps motivate you to keep with those goals. I decided I'd give it a shot and see what happens. My two goals are Stress Management and Weight Loss.

Today, one of my Quests was to "Hunt the Good" to help me handle being stressed.

Hunt the Good:
Description: When we're stressed, we can often only see what's wrong with the situation

Quest: Combat negativity by hunting the good. Make a list of five things in your life that are awesome and that you love right now.

  1. My Husband: he works so hard to provide for our family and give us everything we need and want. I often over look this and just see the extra time spent at work, stressing about work, taking phone calls from work, and so on.
  2. My Family: They are 100% there for me, no matter what I'm doing or what is going on. This includes Adam's family too. They are here to support us, but the key is letting them!
  3. My Friends: I truly have some fantastic friends and encouragers in my life. I can share my stresses to them, and they listen, and offer advice and support. 
  4. My Job: How many people can really say they love their job and the people they work with? I often let myself get overwhelmed with what I need to accomplish that I forget how fortunate that I have a purpose here and am truly needed in my position. It's so easy to just say that I'm just here, when I know that I do a lot, and am a worthwhile addition to the team.
  5. My Fur-Kids: I know this one is silly... but good or bad day, when you walk in the door the wheak to welcome you home, and you can go up to Gabbie and she'll greet you with "nosies". 

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