Saturday, November 10, 2012

House Updates!

We had our final pre-construction meeting yesterday! It went very well and we got to see all of our 'finishes' choices again which was a good re-confirmation that we picked things we loved. (I'll post some pictures below)

We did a LOT of reading and reviewing documents we had seen before, lots more signing and initialing, but now we are set. They will now apply for the building permit early next week (week of 11/12) and as soon as that's in, we'll get a ground breaking date.

They put in our contract, that we signed yesterday, a projected ground breaking date around December 1st with a projected completion date of April 1st. Now, the key word in this is projected. It's not set in stone. If the building permit takes longer than anticipated, they won't start by Dec 1. That pushes everything back. If an item gets back ordered, broken on site, etc. So I'm working really hard not to get my heart set on April 1 (although it would be a fabulous birthday present!)

That is where we are at. VERY exciting to have an idea of the timeline, it makes it more real!

This is what we selected for both the master bath, and the house main bath. It is a pattern of varied creams/browns for the vinyl flooring, Espresso (or black in 'man terms') cabinetry with brushed nickle handles and pure white counters tops, toilet and bath/shower unit.

This is the vinyl for the foyer, it's a glossy grey. We thought would add a bit of elegance to the 'formal entry' of our home, and then a contrast to the cream colored carpet in the Great room.

 This one is my Kitchen! I was hesitant on the counter tops a bit. I thought it was too light and creamy, but seeing it again with the flooring that has grey with swirls of the maple and cherry color that draws in the Maple cabinets, and then the swirls of cream that pull in the cream based counter choice, I think it works.
This is a close up of the counter choice. The flecks of grey pull it all together with the grey in the flooring. (at least I think so...)

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