Sunday, October 7, 2012

A weekend with the in-laws...

I (voluntarily) spent the weekend with my in-laws. On my own. No Adam (he was working). Just me.

I had a blast! I drove down Friday afternoon and made it just in time for Heather's Girls Wine Tasting event! It was nice to meet some of her friends and socialize with a different group! (plus taste some good wines and a lot of amazing foods!) I even bought some Sweet Red wine to bring home!

Saturday, Heather and I got up and walked 3.5 miles. It was a beautiful (but humid) fall morning and it was so very nice to get to catch up and chat. Then we had our coffee, breakfast, showers and were ready to head out to the Waynesboro Market Days. It's like a Fall festival type thing were people sell their crafts and things. We walked around town and checked out blankets, pillows, purses, headbands, hair bows, shoes, wooden sculptures etc. It really was a fun day to spend with my new family!

That evening we all met up with Adam's dad for dinner at The Green Turtle.

It really was a fabulous weekend and so very fun to get to spend some time with my in-laws with out Adam. I got to learn more about them directly from them, not through his stories. I look forward to doing it again!

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