Monday, October 29, 2012

A Fall Family Visit

Bob, Becky and Noah came up to visit for the weekend because Bob wanted to head to camp for turkey hunting.

Becky and Noah stayed at grandmas and visited with her and Aunt Suzy. Since Noah was so young last fall, he really didn't get to play in the leaves, so this weekend we introduced Noah to playing in the leaves. He didn't totally go for it. He would tell you "it's a mess!" and pick the leaves off you. But eventually he got a bit more into it.

Noah also came to visit Uncle Adam and Aunt Suzy's house to see the Guinea pigs! He was just fascinated with them!

For Halloween this year Noah is a dog, which is one of his favorite animals.

Saturday evening, Noah watched the first bit of the psu vs. osu game.

He is talking a good bit, saying lots of things and learning new things everyday! A few of the very clear ones are Momma, Dada, Applesauce, School Bus, Chase and Sarge (their dogs). It really was a great weekend and so nice to see all of them again. Unfortunately it will most likely be Thanksgiving until we see them again!

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