Sunday, September 30, 2012

A super busy weekend!

Last weekend, was  busy one! Saturday morning Adam and I got up and headed out on a road trip - to Chester, Virginia. Adam's college buddy got married so we made the trek to attend! we drove the 6 hours to Chester, checked into our hotel and got settled in. We had about another 30 minute drive to get to the church for the wedding, so we got ready and set out early.

Here is us as we are about to head out the door at the hotel:

Here we are waiting for the reception to start: 
The Bride and Groom's First dance
Adam and Jeremy, the groom.
We stayed one night in the hotel and were up early and back on the road, heading home by way of Waynesboro to visit with his family. Our wedding albums had come in so we stopped to give his mom hers and let them see all the rest. We went out and had a very nice lunch and great time catching up before finishing the last 3 hours of the trek home. 
It was a whirlwind 2 days, but it was very nice to get away even if for just one night. Life has been really crazy lately and only going to crazier in the upcoming weeks and months.

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