Thursday, September 6, 2012

Family time

Labor Day weekend was full of Family time, and I loved every second of it! Unfortunately Adam had to work Saturday and Sunday, but he got to spend some time with my family Friday afternoon.  Noah enjoyed Grandma's garden, helped pick green beans and tomatoes, we ate lots of good food. I grilled kabobs for the first time!

Saturday, we went to Lakemont park. Noah got to ride the antique cars, the carousel and the train. He had just changed for the water park when the thunderstorm hit and they had to close it up. He was a good sport and waved bye!

Here are a few pictures from our weekend:

Noah helping pick Green Beans

Helping Grandma pick tomatoes
Noah and Aunt Suzy watching the Tractor behind Grandma and Grandpa's house
Playing with toys that Daddy and Aunt Suzy used to play with!

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