Sunday, September 30, 2012

A super busy weekend!

Last weekend, was  busy one! Saturday morning Adam and I got up and headed out on a road trip - to Chester, Virginia. Adam's college buddy got married so we made the trek to attend! we drove the 6 hours to Chester, checked into our hotel and got settled in. We had about another 30 minute drive to get to the church for the wedding, so we got ready and set out early.

Here is us as we are about to head out the door at the hotel:

Here we are waiting for the reception to start: 
The Bride and Groom's First dance
Adam and Jeremy, the groom.
We stayed one night in the hotel and were up early and back on the road, heading home by way of Waynesboro to visit with his family. Our wedding albums had come in so we stopped to give his mom hers and let them see all the rest. We went out and had a very nice lunch and great time catching up before finishing the last 3 hours of the trek home. 
It was a whirlwind 2 days, but it was very nice to get away even if for just one night. Life has been really crazy lately and only going to crazier in the upcoming weeks and months.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The loss of a dear old friend...

Those of you who know where I lived before the current address, know how amazing the setting was. 

I was looking to get out of a musty, squirrel infested ceilings, basement apartment and came across an add in the local paper for a small 2 bedroom apartment for rent. So I called and went to check it out.

This was the first time that I met Ollie and Lita. A wonderful older couple who rented out their re-purposed summer house to individuals in the area. They told stories of previous renters and listed their expectations and price. Dad walked through the apartment with me and I was instantly sold on its charm. Two months later I moved in.

I rented this place from them for close to 2 years, and in that time, I got to know what an amazing couple they were. I learned about their love for Penn State, his love for fishing, her love for antiques, their mutual love for their second home in Chincoteague, Virginia. We grew to enjoy chats over drinks and sweets, and tried to 'check-in' on each other every so often.

When it was time for me to move on, and Adam and I had decided to move in together, my heart broke at the thought of having to tell them that it was time for me to go. They had grown fond of having me around, Adam too. So in May of 2011, I moved out. 

We spoke a few times since then, bumped into each other in the grocery store, but haven't really kept in touch too well... Until this weekend.

We learned on Thursday evening that Ollie had passed away after a year long battle with cancer. I was surprised at how upset I was as Adam and I reminisced over the stories we remembered and his fun sense of humor. He always invited me in, offering me a (very strong) drink or to stay for dinner. They always asked how I was, how Adam was, and were just super fun loving individuals. We knew we needed to go to the services and pay our repects.

Today's service was such an honor to attend. We learned that others had just as fond of memories of Ollie and that he was so widely loved and enjoyed. A great great man was lost this week, and while he is no longer suffering his battle, I pray for those who are still here with a hole in their hearts that will never be filled. There is no forgetting Ollie - he was a one of a kind, amazing guy!

Here are some pictures.

Every Spring we got a family or two of ducklings!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Photo Book project with Shutterfly

I have been working on this photo book of our wedding pictures for quite awhile. I finally finished it up and ordered it tonight. Upon check out, it asked if I wanted to share my book on my blog! How neat! So here it is- Enjoy!

Create your own custom photo books at

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Family time

Labor Day weekend was full of Family time, and I loved every second of it! Unfortunately Adam had to work Saturday and Sunday, but he got to spend some time with my family Friday afternoon.  Noah enjoyed Grandma's garden, helped pick green beans and tomatoes, we ate lots of good food. I grilled kabobs for the first time!

Saturday, we went to Lakemont park. Noah got to ride the antique cars, the carousel and the train. He had just changed for the water park when the thunderstorm hit and they had to close it up. He was a good sport and waved bye!

Here are a few pictures from our weekend:

Noah helping pick Green Beans

Helping Grandma pick tomatoes
Noah and Aunt Suzy watching the Tractor behind Grandma and Grandpa's house
Playing with toys that Daddy and Aunt Suzy used to play with!