Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Halfway! 20 week update

I am having trouble believing that I am halfway through my pregnancy already. I just cannot grasp it!

At 20 weeks I'm feeling pretty energetic and feeling the little one move quite a bit, which has been very fun. I'm learning that sleeping will often not be easy, and that certain things (like bending over and tying sneakers) are starting to get harder. I get a swift kick if I bend/squish someone too much.

We had our 20 week ultrasound. Everything looked good. I'm measuring right on time for my November 10th due date. Two arms, two legs, two kidneys, a heart rate of 142. We do have a shy one though, the wee one was not anxious to give us a profile shot for a while. I had to lay on my side and the technician kept having me shift around. However we did find out the gender.
We are excited for this little boy to join our family. It certainly makes it a bit more real seeing the tiny human shape and knowing the gender. (Not that my growing stomach wasn't 'real')

That's it for now... I know I need to do a 'nursery tour' post as we have it painted and some of the furniture in... but that will have to wait for another post!

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