Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Halfway! 20 week update

I am having trouble believing that I am halfway through my pregnancy already. I just cannot grasp it!

At 20 weeks I'm feeling pretty energetic and feeling the little one move quite a bit, which has been very fun. I'm learning that sleeping will often not be easy, and that certain things (like bending over and tying sneakers) are starting to get harder. I get a swift kick if I bend/squish someone too much.

We had our 20 week ultrasound. Everything looked good. I'm measuring right on time for my November 10th due date. Two arms, two legs, two kidneys, a heart rate of 142. We do have a shy one though, the wee one was not anxious to give us a profile shot for a while. I had to lay on my side and the technician kept having me shift around. However we did find out the gender.
We are excited for this little boy to join our family. It certainly makes it a bit more real seeing the tiny human shape and knowing the gender. (Not that my growing stomach wasn't 'real')

That's it for now... I know I need to do a 'nursery tour' post as we have it painted and some of the furniture in... but that will have to wait for another post!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

17 week Baby Unger update

This is what 17 weeks pregnant looks like on me! (along with some awesome tan lines!) Our little Bat Baby is just over 5 inches long and over 5 and a half ounces!

I'm feeling pretty good. I'm hungry a lot and find myself forgetting that I need to eat more often than I'm used to, partially because I can't eat as much in one sitting as I used to!  I passed my glucose test with flying colors and all of our other genetic test / blood work results all came back normal. We didn't anticipate any issues, but it's still a relief to have that confirmation that you aren't a high risk for any genetic issues. There is always still the possibility, but it is pretty low.

All of the information I am reading says that between 16 and 18 weeks I should start to feel movements/flutters of sorts. The feeling has been described to me as flutters, a gold fish in your stomach, tickles, etc. So at 16 weeks I started to pay a bit of attention ... and felt nothing. I was sure things were fine, but just kept telling our little 'bat baby' that they could let me know for sure. Still nothing. Finally, Saturday morning I laid down in bed and just 'listened' to my body (if that makes sense...) and thought I may have felt something. I held my breath and waited - YES! there were little tickles going on in there! It was so neat! I jumped up and ran to tell Adam - who just gave me a puzzled look when I yelled "IT MOVED!" Once I explained what I meant, I'm not sure if he was more creeped out or thought it was cool. Since then I heard about the cold water trick. If you drink cold water and lay still, it usually wakes them up and they move around a bit. Monday night, I hadn't felt anything since Saturday so I tried this trick. Very neat! with in a few seconds bat baby was moving around! Since then I've gotten a few kicks or jabs (very gentle ones since they are so little yet) which is pretty neat.

We have our 20 week Ultrasound on Tuesday June 24th... I am getting pretty darn excited to stop saying IT! I will be perfectly happy with either, but Adam would like a boy.  Any guesses?