Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Anniversary and Baby Unger update

Adam and I celebrated our 2nd Wedding Anniversary yesterday! It's hard to believe that it's been that long! We had a nice evening out at a restaurant that we hadn't tried before (Kamrai in Lemont) and then relaxed at home for the evening. Quiet and uneventful, and we were just fine with that!

Baby Unger continues to do well. I am 16 weeks along now and have a little bump. I told a woman today that I was pregnant and she just looked at my (lack of) belly and just gave me that 'just you wait' smile...  We have a regular check up next week and then our 20 week ultrasound scheduled for the end of June. I'm very excited to see our little one as more than a peanut or little bat as they were on the first ultrasound. We also hope to find out the gender if they cooperate. We'd certainly like some help in reducing the number of names to comb through!

We also painted the nursery. I am very excited about how it turned out!

... and bump photos....
11, 13, 14.5 and 16 weeks.
I feel like I had a bigger bump (bloat?) at 13 weeks than I do at 16 weeks. It's hit or miss. Some days I feel/look bigger than others. Generally I'm feeling pretty good. I have a lot of ligament stretching so I'm pretty sore, but that's par for the course. Otherwise, we are just moving along, talking about baby names, looking at nursery furniture and keeping up with the house/normal stuff!

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