Monday, August 6, 2012

A few quiet weeks

Sorry for the lull in posts, thankfully it has been quiet here lately! We've been enjoying a quiet bit of summer!

We of course went to see Dark Night the day it came out, I helped a friend move and get settled in, we had our friends Justin and Christine over for dinner and I am throwing Christine a baby shower next weekend along with her sister-in-law.

Adam has some time off coming the end of August so we are trying to figure out what we'll do then, but it can't be a big trip since I have already taken so much time off work.

In other news... we are just starting to house hunt! Since we are new to this we are taking our time and slowly getting our feet wet with what to look for... I never thought it would be as stressful as it has been!

That's really all for now.... I'll let you know when something noteworthy happens! :)

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