Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wedding Shadow Box

I have been wanting to do this simple shadow box for awhile, but life kept getting in the way. Today I finally stopped for just over an hour to plan out and create this!

This has the program from our wedding ceremony, and the custom jewelry and flower that I had made by Rebecca O'Donnell of Stella Blue Jewelry! (She also made my bridesmaids jewelry in the same style but shades of blues!)

So - post wedding project, FINALLY done! 

Now where to hang it...

I've been crafting!

I've been crafting, but since they were presents, I couldn't blog about them! Our good friends Justin and Christine are preparing to welcome their first child into the world next month, so along with Justin's sister, I hosted a baby shower for Christine. There was lots of fantastic foods and an adorable cake .

I also made a diaper cake since the theme was a diapers and wipe Shower.

I also made owl wall hangings for in the little ones nursery. (owls are a favorite for Christine)

All in all it was a great afternoon for the Walsh family and I got to finally share my projects that I had been working so hard in!

Now to decide what is next!

Monday, August 6, 2012

A few quiet weeks

Sorry for the lull in posts, thankfully it has been quiet here lately! We've been enjoying a quiet bit of summer!

We of course went to see Dark Night the day it came out, I helped a friend move and get settled in, we had our friends Justin and Christine over for dinner and I am throwing Christine a baby shower next weekend along with her sister-in-law.

Adam has some time off coming the end of August so we are trying to figure out what we'll do then, but it can't be a big trip since I have already taken so much time off work.

In other news... we are just starting to house hunt! Since we are new to this we are taking our time and slowly getting our feet wet with what to look for... I never thought it would be as stressful as it has been!

That's really all for now.... I'll let you know when something noteworthy happens! :)