Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wedding Pictures!

We were so very fortunate to have an absolutely FANTASTIC wedding photographer. Jan Thiessen was a fantastic find for us and we feel so very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with him. We had three different sessions with him, one for engagement pictures, I had a 'pre-bridal' shoot that was just me, and then our wedding day events.

A few of my favorite wedding pics:

We have so many... We have to pick around 60 for our album (also within our contract with Jan) and I am really struggling to narrow it down! 

Feel free to check them out on Jan's gallery for us:

            A gallery of Suzy and Adam’s wedding is posted online. Just click on this link: or copy it and paste it into your browser.

  Jan Thiessen
Photographs by Jan Thiessen 

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