Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wedding Pictures!

We were so very fortunate to have an absolutely FANTASTIC wedding photographer. Jan Thiessen was a fantastic find for us and we feel so very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with him. We had three different sessions with him, one for engagement pictures, I had a 'pre-bridal' shoot that was just me, and then our wedding day events.

A few of my favorite wedding pics:

We have so many... We have to pick around 60 for our album (also within our contract with Jan) and I am really struggling to narrow it down! 

Feel free to check them out on Jan's gallery for us:

            A gallery of Suzy and Adam’s wedding is posted online. Just click on this link: or copy it and paste it into your browser.

  Jan Thiessen
Photographs by Jan Thiessen 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Getting Married!

On Sunday, May 27th, 2012 I married my best friend.  So much happened that weekend that I want to remember so I thought I would post a blog about the weekends events!

Friday: Group dinner for those in town at Home Delivery
     We ended up with quite the group at Home Delivery Pizza in Bellefonte for dinner. Since we knew of so many of our friends and family that were going to be in town early for the wedding, we thought it would be nice to have a group dinner, very casual. We ended up with over 20 people! It was great to make some initial introductions, to give our friends the opportunity to put faces to the names they hear so much about and just get a light intro into the most important people in our lives.

Saturday: Rehearsal day!
      For a handful of the girls, the day started with a fantastic little brunch, hosted by my Aunt Mary Ann. We had a nice light meal (pancakes, eggs and fruit!) and relaxed a bit before heading off to nail appointments! Heather, Maddie, Valerie and I went up to Regal Nails in Wal-mart for relaxing pedicures and just some chill girl time. We enjoyed each others company and the time to relax immensely. 
       Around noon we met up with a handful of the Groomsmen/friends to set up some things at the reception venue. It went so quickly and smooth that we were out ahead of schedule and Heather, Adam's sister, and I had time to stop and pick up a bottle of wine! We each enjoyed a glass as we relaxed (and waited out a nasty storm) and got ready for the rehearsal dinner. 
       The rehearsal went extremely smoothly and Pastor Tom and Rev. Uncle Jeff were great! We were out of there in no time and heading to Dinner at the Elks in Bellefonte!
        Dinner really turned out fantastic as we had a great group of our closest family and friends share a wonderful meal with us. My Uncle Dick catered the event and people absolutely raved about how fantastic the food was! 
       After dinner and a few last minute details/fixes, a small group of us gathered on the deck at Jamie's for a relaxing last couple of hours before the big day!

Sunday: Wedding Day!
        Up bright and early, I was a the hair salon at 7:15 am to get my hair done! Valerie was there bright and early with me, and Jess followed shortly after with some fabulous coffee and sweet breakfast treats! Slowly the girls trickled in as the morning went on and soon enough we were all curled, pinned and sprayed down! 
         Valerie's Husband, Nick, and Mother-In-Law Kim prepared an amazing lunch for us, as well as Kim welcoming us into her beautiful home. The food was fantastic and the desserts just delicious!  It was the perfect setting for some food, relaxing and mentally preparing for the next few hours!
Matron of Honor, Valerie Montgomery Lacing up the back of my dress.
         Then the whirlwind started! Candy Walter-Bowser arrived to do my makeup, and as she was finishing up, Jan Thiessen the amazing photographer arrived! So the girls got dressed, got me into my dress and before we knew it, we were heading off across the street to the church and I was about to marry my best friend.

         The ceremony went smoothly especially with Junior Groomsman Noah Mulfinger, our 16-month old newphew! His only fussing was because he was ready to GO! He walked down the aisle with his mom, Matron of Honor Becky Mulfinger (my sister-in-law) and then sat on the step up front for the majority of the ceremony! Check out these adorable pictures of him:

 Before I knew it, we were kissing and heading back down the aisle! I had a HUSBAND! We hurried out of sight so that the guests would head off to the reception so we could get through pictures as quickly as possible.

         The bridal party then met up at Spring Creek Park for our group shots. Pictures at the park went super smooth as well and before too long we sent the bridal party off to the reception to sit for a few minutes while we finished up with just Adam and I. Valerie stuck around just to help out, carry our things, and observe.  What I didn't know while it was happening, Valerie was on her iPhone, watching the radar of a very strong thunderstorm that was making its way into the area. She gave Jan a nod and he wrapped up and we got into our cars just as the rain hit!  Timing could not have been better, but we had an awesome 'weather-woman' on our team!

          After a quick breather, we were introduced to our reception guests. (Thanks to the fabulous Sarah for catching it on video! Check it out here) The evening went so smoothly and everyone had a great time, and for that I have to thank our Reception wedding planner, April Judy of April Judy Events! She kept us to our timeline, made sure we got to the things we wanted to, parent dances, cake cutting, garter toss, etc. Before we knew it people started to gradually say their goodbyes and just a few people were left dancing to the final few songs.

Mr. & Mrs!!!

           I feel so overwhelmed with joy and happiness thinking about the magic that day had. I could not have imagined it any differently. We were surrounded by love and support, and I would not have asked for any different!