Sunday, August 16, 2015

Grayson is 9 months old!

Grayson is 9 months old! 
Our happy little boy is on the GO! He crawls like a champ and has started to walk holding our hands. He's very excited to be starting cheerios and real foods at daycare now that he has his FIRST TOOTH! (FINALLY) Friday morning (August 14) I discovered that his first tooth had popped through. His second bottom tooth and a top tooth will probably be joining the party with in a week or so too.

Official 9 month stats to come...

Grayson and I traveled to my brothers house this weekend to celebrate Eli's second birthday! We had a great weekend! He enjoyed playing in the water table with Eli, walking around chattering with Noah, watching the big kids on the motorized cars and a trip to Zoo America!


Grayson took a very good nap on the drive home!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

July/August - Lots of visitors!

Liam (and Valerie) came for a play date in mid July

Pap Pap came to visit in late July

Aunt Heather and Cousin Maddie visited in early August