Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Grayson is 7 months old!

Time is flying by!

Our little guy is 7 months old today!

Over the weekend he put it together on how to crawl AND pull himself up on things, so we now have a mobile one!

He's still thoroughly loving eating 'real' foods but still hasn't had any teeth break through. We are slowly adding more variety to it. So far bananas are his favorite, with sweet potatoes and peas close behind!

Blowing 'raspberries' with a mouth full of peas.... 

We had an appointment in Hershey yesterday to see a Pediatric Allergist. He was tested for a few things (cats, dogs, guinea pigs, select trees, pollens and molds) and all were negative. He does have a mild case of exema so we were guided on how to work with that and given a steroid cream to use on the worst spots. He was such a trooper through the 2 hour drive there, the scratch test and then the 2 hour ride back! Thanks to Auntie Danielle for going with us!
Scratch test - #9 was the control

We did stop at Chocolate World before we headed home though!

Chocolate World Tour Selfie!

Watching the Dancing Cows!