Sunday, January 18, 2015


I'm sitting here next to Grayson in the bassinet, 1 am is nearing.... I'm listening to him breathe. I'm stopping. I'm not rushing him to sleep so I can sleep. I'm not running off to wash bottles or put laundry away. I'm sitting here, listening to his little sighs as he drifts off to baby dream land.... I'm watching as his little hands move as he dozes off. I am sitting here, loving on my son.
I had always imagined how this would feel. I have always wanted to be a mom. I knew that back when I was in grade school. What I didn't know and couldn't have even gotten close to imagining is how it would really feel. I have never been so overwhelmed in my life. Overwhelmed with love, exhaustion, joy, frustration. I had no idea. And there is no way I would have grasped it from others telling me. I had to learn and experience it for myself. Also watching Adam with him. Watching them interact, and learn this parent/child relationship, is amazing. Watching Adam falling in love with his son, just melts my heart.
My world is all about these boys. I don't need anything else in this life but them. They make my life whole and I hope I can always remember that they are what is important. They are what makes me happy. 
Ok- enough reflecting. All this mushy stuff is good and all but sleep is good too. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Two months old!

Our little man is two months old!

He had his two-month well child visit with the pediatrician this morning. 13 pounds even and 24 inches long. 75th percentile in weight and 85th percentile in height. We survived the shots, but no one was happy about it!

Grayson loves to smile at us, and it just melts my heart. He certainly has us wrapped around his little finger!

Monday, January 12, 2015

8 weeks old!

Time is flying by way too fast! How is he 8 weeks old already?! I've barely left his side in those 8 weeks. I'm trying to enjoy every second as it comes, every smile, every coo, every snuggle and kissing the rare tear away. Most times I get overwhelmed at how amazing it feels and how blessed I am to get to be this amazing little guys mommy. (And other times I'm just overwhelmed!) I'm grateful for every second I get to spend with him. I wouldn't trade it for anything.