Monday, October 20, 2014

37 weeks - We are Full Term!

Today marks the start of week 37 of my pregnancy.

I remember a few weeks ago when I was thinking how easy this pregnancy has been, and it really has. I've had minor issues but nothing that was uncontrolled, and I still have my healthy little boy growing in my belly where he needs to be just yet.

I have definitely reached the point of uncomfortable. Clothes aren't the most comfortable thing in the world and most of my shirts are too short so my belly sticks out at the bottom. I've also had some swelling with a few days of it being worse than others. My wedding band and engagement ring no longer fit which I'm pretty bummed about. I got so close to making it!  Adam and I have decided that my attempts to get off the couch make me look like a turtle stuck on it's back. It is mostly comical, but a little sad too. Shoes are another sad thing... It's cool enough now that flip flops aren't always the smartest footwear to choose, but socks/shoes are so far down there to put on!

The nursery is pretty much ready - there are a few things to put away yet, but nothing major. I have bins to sort through some of the larger size clothing. Everything newborn to 3 months is washed and put away. I made monthly Photo stickers this weekend that of course match the nursery theme, as well as a little wall decal for above the changing table.  I think I'm done 'decorating' for now. Adam and I have talked about putting his name above the crib once he's here, but we still aren't 100% set on a name. I want to meet him first.  I know they always grow into the name you give them, but still - I'm reserving the right to change my mind!

So now we wait..... We wait for the little guy to decide he's ready to check out the world and pray for his safe arrival!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Pregnancy and Infant Loss awareness

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss awareness month, and while I personally have not experienced that loss, I know families who have. I am so thankful for my little miracle and I pray for those who have experienced such a loss.