Monday, September 1, 2014

30 Week Update!

How are we already 30 weeks?!

Things have been pretty good the past 10 weeks. Our 'Little Guy' is growing right on track and doing well. He's been super active the last couple of weeks which has left me with some bruised ribs but as long as he's healthy and happy, I will take it! I'm starting to feel pretty big which is intimidating since I have 10 weeks or so to 'grow' yet! My official due date is November 10th, but they say only 5% of babies are actually born on their due dates and that first babies are commonly on the later side (closer to 41 weeks). I'm preparing myself for being a full week beyond that... however in the off chance I go early, I want to be pretty much ready around 35-36 weeks... Just in case, plus once I'm that big, I may not want to be fussing as much about being ready.

Adam and I have 2 weeks left of our 6 week childbirth class. (or "Huff and Puff" as my parents call it!) It has been quite educational... some weeks I walk out thinking "we got this!" other weeks I walk out and think "what have we gotten ourselves into?!" - either way, this kid is going to come out, so we'll just roll with it. I'll do my best to be prepare, emotionally and physically and we'll take it from there!

We are going to do a few home improvement things over the next few weeks, painting, adding some laundry cabinetry etc, but other than that, we are just letting Little G continue to grow and ready himself for his arrival. I'm excited to meet him and start this new chapter in our lives .... but not too excited that I can't wait for him to be ready!