Thursday, April 10, 2014


Back in November, my friend Martha over at Growing Palm turned Thirty and did a post about a bucket list, but of things she had accomplished by Thirty. I thought this was a fantastic way to ease myself into the idea of no longer being in my 20's (which were fantastic!) and focus on what I have done versus what I haven't. 

Thirty things I have accomplished before turning thirty:

  1. Graduated High School (looking back this seems easy, but I remember while I was IN high school, I just wanted to do well, and get out!)
  2. Attended Regional Band/Choir in High School
  3. Participated in a sport in high school (track and field counts!!!)
  4. Was the featured singer in Jazz band
  5. Got INTO college at Penn State (those who know me, know this took some trial and error, but I made it in, and into the School of Music!)
  6. Marched in the Penn State Blue Band -where I performed in front of over 108,000 people.
  7. Saw a show on Broadway - Wicked in 2003 I think!
  8. Graduated College with ANY degree (This was another challenge, but I did it!)
  9. Moved out of state - I think this counts, even though I moved back in 10 months!
  10. After a 2.5 year relationship ended, I put myself back out there, and ended up meeting the most amazing man on the planet who is now my fantastic Husband!
  11. Bought a car, all on my own.
  12. Sat in the Stands for a Penn State Football Game, and Tailgate! (after 5 years in band, this was a big deal!)
  13. Selflessly helped others - I get such a thrill from this one!
  14. Developed some pretty amazing friendships, in college and out - that have become like family
  15. Met Brian May of Queen - Adams favorite person ever!
  16. Saw Jerry Seinfeld at Eisenhower Auditorium
  17. Saw The Fray in concert - the '45 minute' concert!
  18. Saw Elton John in concert - the 3 hour concert!
  19. Went to Hawaii! (and watch the sunset... breathtaking!)
  20. Relaxing vacations to the Outer Banks with the man who would become my husband!
  21. Got Married to the most amazing man!
  22. Went on a trip (as adults with no children in attendance) to the Pittsburgh Zoo
  23. Bought a House - had it built even!
  24. 1st Anniversary trip to Washington DC - (and the zoo) which I planned as a total surprise for Adam
  25. Watched the sunset in Mallory Square, Key West - Stunning!
  26. I Do Photography as a hobby - and be ‘hired’ to do pictures for events!
  27. Hosted some pretty awesome dinner parties / picnics
  28. Have 2 nephews and 1 niece that mean more to me than I can put into words
  29. Been a Guinea Pig Mommy for 10 years, to 7 unique guinea pigs.
  30. Had my gallbladder removed - only surgery (other than wisdom teeth)

While not all of these are huge events, I feel pretty good about them. I'm also pretty excited to see what I can accomplish in my thirties!