Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Just a bad day, not a bad life...

Lately - there have been quite a few 'bad' days. Nothing awful happens, I just feel overwhelmed, exhausted, etc. But this caught my eye - I have a GOOD life. I have so many reasons to say that, my Husband, my family, our friends, our home.... I have a LOT of GOOD in my life. I need to remember that when those bad days try to take over it all - I need to remember to...

Take  a deep breath. 
It's just a bad day, 
not a bad life.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Always making excuses

I am the ultimate lazy person when it comes to eating right and getting a decent work out in.... I try or claim to try, but I always see-saw right back to the weight/size I was.... Why on earth is it so difficult to be HEALTHY! Sheesh!

I don't plan on boring you with a blog post every time I work out / go for a walk / go to the gym, but I'm hoping to make this a place to hold myself a bit more accountable.... which I'm not real good at.... But I have my amazing husband to support me and is encouraging me, so here we go!

Tonight's activity: 35 minutes of walking - 2 1/4 miles.