Thursday, April 25, 2013


On Monday, April 22nd, I started following the Weight Watchers Point Plus Program. I had decent success with this type of program the summer of 2008, and have tried it since, but have not held myself accountable enough to keep up with it.  Last year, I did calorie counting and 3x a week gym trips. While the gym really helps in many ways - I just have trouble being consistent and making enough time for it. Yes, I know I just have to commit to it and do it - but I'm saying that's not working. So I am trying to do Weight Watchers again.

That said - my friend Martha asked me to run a 5K with her .... on May 25th.... that is one month away.... Now - that's the weekend of both of our wedding anniversaries so we need to sort out of anyone has plans yet, but the though.... actually kind of intrigues me!  If nothing else - I wonder if it would motivate me to get outside to run some?

I know I'm contradicting myself here - paragraph 1 says "I don't have time" paragraph 2 says "Maybe this will motivate me" What can I say - I'm human!  My biggest problem is the consistent time commitment  That is what I don't have, and don't see having anytime real soon.....

Anyway - I am posting about WW (Weight Watchers) here so that there are others out there who can hold me accountable. Maybe it will be more motivating because I can post to my faithful readers that I'm staying on track, or that I'm down X lbs....

I guess you will have to stay tuned to find out!