Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Letter 2012

Last year, I wrote a long Christmas update and included it with our cards... This year, I figured I'd send our blog address on the cards and just post it here. If people want to read it, they can, if not - I won't bore them!

This year has been quite a busy one! We started out the year by flying to Hawaii for a work trip of mine. We spent 11 days enjoying all that Kona had to offer and I did a little work in there too (since it was a 'work trip') We even celebrated Adam's birthday while we were there.

Upon our return, it was time to dive into the wedding planning! We spent the next 4 months doing anything and everything wedding related. I really enjoyed the planning aspect and did quite a bit of the stuff myself. It really was a perfect day surrounded by our loved ones and we couldn't have been happier. See here for pictures! After a brief honeymoon to Myrtle Beach we were back to work - for a few days. Then I got to spend a week at the beach with my Brother, Sister-in-law, and Nephew! You can see pictures from the Honeymoon and that trip here.

Once the trips settled down and we got settled into our newly married lives, we started house hunting. We spent about 3 months looking through listings and crunching numbers and not getting anywhere near finding what we wanted, we decided to build. We started looking at floor plans back in August and on Wednesday, November 28th, they broke ground! It will be about a 4 month project, and we should be moving into our new home around the beginning of April!

That's our update for this year. We wish you and yours the happiest of holidays and all the very best in the new year.

Suzy and Adam

Monday, December 3, 2012

Progress on the Lot!

They have been working hard on our lot! Here are pictures from each day!