Sunday, July 15, 2012

Advice for the Bride and Groom

At our wedding, we had a basket with advice cards for our friends and family to fill out. We have had quite the laugh at a few of them and love the sentiment of the others! My Uncle Ron has quite the sense of humor and put a handful of 'thoughts' in the basket.... so some were just plain off the wall, and some were good bits of advice!

 I made these little cards into a little booklet for us to look through every so often, maybe on anniversaries. I did this with all of our wedding cards too!

Here are a few of my favorites:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Defining Family...

According to my Google search, a family is defined as a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. While I don't challenge that definition, I also have my own.

Why you ask?

Because this picture... this is also my family. 

Suzy, Adam, Jess, Jamie (at Northland Lanes, Bowling!)

These individuals are such treasured friends, that I call them family. We are there for each other, in thick, thin, good, bad. We are each others motivators, comic relief, shoulder to cry on, ear to listen, helping hand to guide and advise, and anything else you can think of. I can't think of a better definition than that.

Adam, Suzy, Jess, Jamie

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Finally Settling In

With how busy the past 6 months have been, it's crazy to grasp the concept of 'settling in' to our new, married lives. Everyone knows the months leading up to the wedding are just insane, and I agree. We also had some busyness post wedding.

We went straight to our brief 'mini-moon' in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where we spent 4 days trying to catch our breath... except in the process, Adam caught a sinus infection and spent the honeymoon battling a fever and stuffy nose!

Waiting in Atlanta for our final trek to Myrtle Beach.

I may have sweet talked the rental car agent into a double upgrade...

The coast after sunset. It was so peaceful.

rockin' the shades in our sweet ride! 

Our beach set up! 

Post Honeymoon - We both were back at work pretty quickly and trying to catch up with the little things that had gotten put aside due to wedding things. However, before we knew it, it was vacation time again! 

We drove to Bethany Beach, Delaware the last week in June where Adam spent the weekend and I stayed the week with my Brother's family for some real relaxing! Bob, Becky, Noah and I (and Adam a little) enjoyed the sand and sun for the week.  Noah wasn't entirely sure of the sand/ocean at first, but little by little he warmed up to it and was able to enjoy the beach! 

Watching the waves...

Aunt Suzy & Noah

Now it's really settling back in. I've been back to work for just over a week now and am settling back in there. It's a bit weird to not have something huge to look forward to! It was the wedding for so long, and then the week at the beach after that. So now I just have to find a few projects to jump into...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dinner guests!

We are having our first dinner guests as a married couple. No big deal right? I am so excited about this!!

Bill and Barb Frantz, and Jamie Harris will be joining us for dinner this evening. We will be having salad, stuffed shells and garlic bread for dinner and then homemade strawberry banana sorbet and fresh shortbread cookies for dessert! (I got to use my cookie press too!)

I know it's a bit silly to get so wound up about it, but it is fun! Now let's just hope it all turns out well! I have never made stuffed shells before!!!