Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Grayson is 10 months old!

Grayson is 10 months old today!

He has 3 teeth, LOVES to eat what we are eating, is developing quite the personality and is taking a few independent steps. Our little guy is growing way too fast!

We have such fun with our monthly pic photo shoots!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Grayson is 9 months old!

Grayson is 9 months old! 
Our happy little boy is on the GO! He crawls like a champ and has started to walk holding our hands. He's very excited to be starting cheerios and real foods at daycare now that he has his FIRST TOOTH! (FINALLY) Friday morning (August 14) I discovered that his first tooth had popped through. His second bottom tooth and a top tooth will probably be joining the party with in a week or so too.

Official 9 month stats to come...

Grayson and I traveled to my brothers house this weekend to celebrate Eli's second birthday! We had a great weekend! He enjoyed playing in the water table with Eli, walking around chattering with Noah, watching the big kids on the motorized cars and a trip to Zoo America!


Grayson took a very good nap on the drive home!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

July/August - Lots of visitors!

Liam (and Valerie) came for a play date in mid July

Pap Pap came to visit in late July

Aunt Heather and Cousin Maddie visited in early August

Monday, July 20, 2015

Losing track of time

Grayson is 8 months old.... he's on the downhill slope towards being 1 year old, towards being a toddler....

Time is flying by and I feel as though I'm barely hanging on. To the fellow moms out there - how do you enjoy your children each day, but still get anything done around the house? I feel so torn about how to still manage the household, and enjoy every second I can with my son. There is no possible balance to this one is there?

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Grayson is 8 months old!

Grayson is 8 months old!

He's almost 22 lbs. (He was 21 lbs 8.5 oz at an appt on 7/6) and around 27 inches tall... it's hard to get an accurate height on such an active little wiggle worm!

He's crawling EVERYWHERE and can pull himself up on just about anything.... lately it's doors and walls. He just palms his way up. He knows to stick his bum out ti sit down but every so often loses his balance and falls. So far no major bruises, but there have been a few that were scary and he needed some extra cuddles.

Still no teeth. We've done some table food, but only things he can completely mash. His little belly isn't quite ready for much yet, so we are taking it slow.

We are so blessed to have this happy and healthy little boy in our lives!